Nourishing your life back to a new normal

The time has come for new changes, new opportunities, and to come back out into society again. Some people are heading back to their old work, some are moving back into the office after working from home, some are going back to school, sports, and hobbies. But others have found a new purpose during their downtime: starting a new business, pursuing a new passion, immersing in self-reflection and self actualisation – and some may have discovered a new lease on life. 

So how do we transition back? How do we find our new normal? Have you had the time to self reflect? To ask questions like, am I feeling fulfilled, energised, and uplifted in my purpose? If not, what can I change to feel this way? What if I’m not able to go back to the things I enjoy?

This transition can be a challenging time for us all, as we find our new normal back out in the world. Some of us may be feeling stressed and uncertain about our future – much like those feelings we had going into this difficult time. It is important to keep checking in with yourself, as you would a friend, and to prioritise yourself, as you would a loved one. Schedule in that invaluable time for self care to read, move, create, breathe and recharge.

Nourishing yourself doesn’t only mean putting nutritious food into your body and exercising – it also encompasses fuelling your mind and your spirit. You can do this by prioritising the time to refuel and recharge. Check in with yourself each morning, in between meetings, after work or before bed and ask yourself: do I need some time and space right now? What am I feeling? How am I fuelling my mind and body today? Remember, you are a priority and your wellbeing is a priority. 

You may find a way to incorporate the new things you have been enjoying during this phase into your new normal, like reading or crafting, or maybe you’ve enjoyed a new exercise regime, like going for a walk each day. 

It may also be time to transition back to the activities you used to enjoy. Now that we can go out hiking, camping, fishing, rock climbing and other outdoor activities, it is a great time to get outdoors for some fresh air and sunshine. Some of us may be lucky enough to get back into training, sports or to the gym. Again, check in with yourself – work with the energy and resources that you have. Try to not place too much pressure on yourself to go back to your previous lifestyle. Listen to your body and mind, and do what feels right in every moment.

Lastly, catch up and connect with loved ones if you are able to. Check in regularly to see how they are going. Now that restrictions are lifting you may be able to organise to catch up, go for a coffee, do an outdoor exercise class, kick the footy or host a games night. Connect meaningfully and be grateful. Gratitude is an amazing tool we can use. Try asking yourself three things you’re grateful for each day and then express your gratitude outwardly and watch that positive energy flow and circulate. You have the power to create your own positive cycle.

It’s time to take those big courageous steps to a new future, to a new purpose, to a new normal. Change can be hard and uncomfortable – but change yields growth, self-development and transformation. Every mistake or step in a different direction is there to guide us, to give us space for self reflection and improvement. Let it come and let it pass. You’ve got this!

Cindy Yu is a registered ACA Counsellor, Nutritionist and aspiring Dietitian.
She is the founder of Healthy Yu, which helps individuals to achieve their health goals
by prioritising their utmost wellbeing both mentally and physically.